Trials and Tribulations of a Teenage Warrior

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rant on Men

They are JERKS!
Insensitive JERKS
After finishing Fang (the book, not the guy) I realized there was a reason I stuck with fictional guys for so long.
I'm a total sucker for the strong, dark, silent type in books.
But in real life, I bet it would honestly annoy the crap out of me.
Unless I had lived with him since like, we were little and I was totally used to it.
Seriously though....
Reading Fang (again the book)
It made me realize that I need a guy who can be sensitive when it counts.
It also made me realize that I am a whole heck of a lot like Max. Especially when it comes to Max's feelings for Fang (We're talking on both levels here now. Both me and Max and Fang and - oh never mind)
Really though...
I've had a really tough last couple of weeks, what with my Dad in the hospital AGAIN (he's home now tho :))>
But I find it depressing that I got more comfort from Red and Gray than from Fang (my Fang, not the book Fang)
And when I had my uber breakdown, he didnt even come after me....
Come on....
Sometimes I'll run away just to see if you'll chase after me...
Truth is it really hurt that you didnt call me...couldn't you tell that I was lying?

When those txts didnt go through and I thought you were ignoring me. I felt my heart break (cheesy hush). Like literally. I felt it shatter. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? I know it wasnt intentional...the txts didn't go through. But why hadn't you called me before?

Ever since then it hasn't felt the same...
You wont talk to me..... I wont talk to you...
I feel like you don't care.....
Like i'm just fading into the background again.
It's back to Gray and that pack of Falsefaces
Why cant it go back?

Fly On


  1. I was wondering how things were between you two during this whole thing.
    What, I'm not comforting you??
    Who are Red and Gray? *already hates this code-name thing a lot*
