Trials and Tribulations of a Teenage Warrior

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today is not going good.
Fang won't talk to me...
I flipped out at lunch because I thought he was cutting himself.
And he laughed...
He's nearly gone sudicial once and anorexic another time.
I just...don't find that funny...
Especially when it comes from him...
But when I told him this, he just laughed at me... How am I supposed to deal with that?
I just left.... I was hoping for a denial...or a sorry....or anything...
Instead I got "oh o.o"

My day just improves from there
We have no money.
We owe a gabillion dollars to a gabillion people
My Dad isnt working alot,
My Mom might loose her job
I have stuff I have to get for school.
This isnt going to work.
And. They aren't worried.
My world is litterally falling apart.
How much longer can we afford to pay for internet?
Or for heat?
How bout food?
I can't see a way out of this....
I can't tell Fang....
He doesnt tell me about any of his family problems.....why should I share mine....
*about to cry*
I'm supposed to be able to tell him everything!!! But he won't tell me ANYTHING!
I thought he trusted me... I'm supposed to be able to just break down and just....lean on him....
but he's so distant now i'll just fall and hurt myself...
Thank God we're still best friends M....
I don't know what I'd do with out you right now :(


1 comment:

  1. You know you can call me anytime, River. I do, however, think it's odd that your family isn't worried.
    If Fang lets it go, like, more, you should confront him about it.
